Thursday, November 17, 2016

Bart Ehrman Interrupted

Jesus, Rudely Interrupted

by Dewayne Bryant, M.A.

Criticism of the Faith is nothing new. Whether big-budget documentaries, bestselling books, or blockbuster movies, the media is glutted with criticism aiming to overturn the faith of millions. It seems that every year a new angle emerges during the seasons when people step back to reflect upon their faith. As believers consider the truths of Christianity, hostile criticism attempts to revamp, revise, and rewrite what Christians have believed for two millennia. Christmas and Easter are perennial target release dates for books, articles, and television documentaries promising to reveal secrets that will turn Christianity upside down.
One of the most recent contributions of New Testament scholar and textual critic Bart Ehrman is a book entitled, Jesus, Interrupted. Released in 2009, this book picks up where his earlier work, Misquoting Jesus, leaves off. Ehrman continues his assault on the Christian Faith, assuring believers that his criticism does not controvert Christianity, but informs it. Since this information started him on the journey to agnosticism, it is easy to see how his assertions could be construed as disingenuous.


Raised in a “fundamentalist” Christian home, Ehrman graduated high school and attended the conservative Moody Bible Institute. He continued his studies at Wheaton College in Illinois, and later received his Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary under the watch of Bruce Metzger, one of the foremost textual scholars of the 20th century. Somewhere along the way, he became increasingly disenchanted with the Christian Faith. Although he was a denominational minister during his time in graduate school, Ehrman has now left his Christian upbringing far behind. He now considers himself a “happy agnostic” (2005, p. 258). Jesus, Interrupted goes farther than his previous work, claiming not only that the Bible is full of scribal errors, but that the gospel accounts are fraught with contradictions and late inventions. In this sense, according to Ehrman, the story of Jesus—the historical man—was “rudely interrupted” by late insertions into the text. Though it has been well received on the popular level, Ehrman’s work has not met with approval from those best quipped to evaluate his claims. In his blog, respected New Testament scholar Ben Witherington III critiques Ehrman’s book, saying,

It is mystifying however why he would attempt to write a book like Jesus, Interrupted which frankly reflect [sic] no in-depth interaction at all with exegetes, theologians, and even most historians of the NT period of whatever faith or no faith at all. A quick perusal of the footnotes to this book, reveals mostly cross-references to Ehrman’s earlier popular works, with a few exceptions sprinkled in.... What is especially telling and odd about this is Bart does not much reflect a knowledge of the exegetical or historical study of the text in the last thirty years. Even in a work of this sort, we would expect some good up to date bibliography for those disposed to do further study, not merely copious cross-references to one’s other popular level books.... The impression is left, even if untrue, that Ehrman’s actual knowledge of and interaction with NT historians, exegetes, and theologians has been and is superficial and this has led to overly tendentious and superficial analysis (2009, emp. added).

Ehrman spends a great deal of time demonstrating what he considers to be problems with the gospel accounts. The discussion includes the nature of authorship, supposed inconsistencies and contradictions, and the idea that the gospel accounts present different accounts of events in Christ’s life. This includes the assertion that no one knows who wrote the gospel records. It was not Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as tradition claims, because Jesus’ disciples consisted of “[l]ower-class, illiterate, Aramaic-speaking peasants from Galilee” (2009, p. 106). Someone else far removed from the original historical setting must have written them.

Ehrman overplays the old chestnut that the gospel accounts were written anonymously. They are considered formally anonymous because none ever identifies their author. John’s gospel account gives the “Beloved Disciple” as the one responsible for its writing, and many believe that Mark mentions himself as the young man who runs away while Jesus is arrested (cf. Mark 14:51). Authors in the ancient world often referred to themselves indirectly in their work, and this is as close as any of the gospel accounts come to identifying their authors.

While the evangelists did not sign their work, this is a far cry from not knowing who wrote the gospel accounts. There was virtually no dispute in the early church over who wrote each one. If they had truly been written anonymously, there would be no end to the debate. In one sense we could compare the book of Hebrews to the gospel accounts. Like the gospel records, it, too, is formally anonymous. However, no one really knows who wrote it, and no less than a half dozen possibilities are cited as potential authors. If the gospel accounts were truly in the same category, the debate over their authorship would have continued to the present.

Ehrman notes that, “[s]tories were changed with what would strike us today as reckless abandon.... They were modified, amplified, and embellished. And sometimes they were made up” (2006, p. 259). He never explains why he chooses to believe that the stories concerning Jesus are legendary or fictitious. Biography, legend, and fiction are different genres, each with its own distinguishing characteristics. This is common fare for Christianity’s critics: to announce the Bible as fiction, legend, myth, or fairy tale without justification or supporting evidence. 

Ehrman notes:
For nearly twenty-five years now I have taught courses on the New Testament in universities, mainly Rutgers and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In all this time, the lesson that I have found most difficult to convey to students—the lesson that is the hardest to convince them of—is the historical-critical claim that each author of the Bible needs to be allowed to have his own say, since in many instances what one author has to say on a subject is not what another says. Sometimes the differences are a matter of stress and emphasis; sometimes they are discrepancies in different narratives or between different writers’ thoughts; and sometimes these discrepancies are quite large, affecting not only the small details of the text but the very big issues that these authors were addressing (2009, pp. 98-99).

One of the episodes Ehrman cites as a bona fide “error” in the gospel records is Christ’s cleansing of the Temple. John locates this event in the Passion Week, while the Synoptics present the incident early in Jesus’ ministry. So which is it? Which one made the mistake? Actually, it never would have crossed the minds of the ancient audience. The ancients did not insist on chronological accuracy in the same way moderns do. Ancient authors often arranged their material chronologically, but they also arranged it topically, and, in the case of the gospel accounts, theologically. To force an ancient work written in another culture to conform to modern Western standards is scholastic arrogance at its worst.

Many moderns put the Bible under a literary microscope, analyzing every chapter, every verse, every word. In the eyes of hostile critics, even the tiniest difficulties balloon into monumental testaments to the inaccuracy and unreliability of the Bible. Ben Witherington makes an interesting point in this regard. He says that we can think of the authors of the four gospel accounts much like painters. Each painted a portrait of Jesus based on his own perspective, as well as the purpose and rationale intended by the Holy Spirit. They selected the material to include in their work, a selectivity that is individualistic in nature. That the gospel writers would highlight different events, or give different angles on the same events, is expected. Modern biographers work the same way. Critics expect the authors to record the life of Jesus with a high-resolution, all-seeing lens. Rather than holding the biblical books to the same standards in use during the time they were produced, critics insist on modern standards in a way that is as unreasonable as it is irrational. To force the ancient text to conform to modern standards is bad interpretive method. It is a fundamental building block of reading ancient literature—the Bible included, of course—that one must seek to understand the context in which the literature is written. One cannot read ancient Greco-Roman literature by modern standards any more than one should read a modern newspaper with the same frame of mind as a citizen of ancient Rome. To continue Witherington’s analogy, this would be like criticizing Leonardo Da Vinci for not using a digital camera to photograph the Mona Lisa.

To point out one supposed contradiction highlighted in Jesus, Interrupted, Ehrman argues there is an irreconcilable difference concerning the death of Judas as recorded in Matthew and Acts. Matthew says that Judas hanged himself and the place became known as the Field of Blood because it was purchased with blood money (Matthew 27:3-9). In Acts, Luke claims that the Field of Blood is called that because, as Ehrman puts it, Judas burst open and bled all over the place. The reading in Acts is not as different as Ehrman suggests. Both accounts agree that the property is purchased with Judas’ money. Luke is ambiguous as to why the field was named the Field of Blood, while Matthew is explicit. Ehrman barely gives a passing nod to suggested attempts to reconcile the two, and downplays them accordingly. It is highly likely that Judas hanged himself, and after death, when the immune system is no longer working, bacteria began to multiply and produced gases that bloated Judas’ body. If the rope broke or Judas’ body fell when others were taking him down, Judas’ body would have ruptured upon striking the ground. This is not imaginative speculation, but the practical stuff of elementary biology.

Another problem in Jesus, Interrupted is the absence of comparative data concerning manuscript evidence from other ancient sources. Other Greco-Roman sources ranging from Greek philosophers to Roman government officials demonstrate far less attestation than the New Testament. The average classical author may have a work represented in only a couple of dozen manuscripts. The oldest copy of these works is often many centuries after the original date of writing. For instance, in the cases of Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, their most famous works are represented by a handful of manuscripts dating to the medieval period. Comparing the New Testament to these writings, the Bible has well over 5,700 copies. Roughly a dozen date to within a century of the original authors, and about four dozen exist that date to within two centuries. The earliest copy of a New Testament text is P52, otherwise known as the John Rylands papyrus. Housed in the British Library, this fragment of John’s Gospel dates to approximately A.D. 115-135. The contrast between the textual evidence of the New Testament and the manuscript evidence from the classical world could not be more vivid. The noted historian F.F. Bruce recounts the words of Sir Frederic Kenyon, former director of the British Museum: “The interval between the dates of the original composition and the earliest extant evidence [is] so small as to be negligible, and the last foundation for any doubt that the scriptures have come down to us substantially as they were written has now been removed” (Bruce, 1972, p. 20).

Ehrman plays his hand with considerable calculation. In his The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings, he asserts, “there is not a single reference to Jesus or his followers in pagan literature of any kind during the first century” (2008, p. 41). While technically correct, it is somewhat misleading. Josephus is Jewish—and therefore not pagan—yet he mentions Christ in two passages in his Jewish Wars at the end of the first century, references which are undisputed among scholars specializing in Josephan studies. If we were to include the first two decades of the second century, we would have to include several pagan authors: the Roman historians Suetonius and Tacitus, along with Pliny the Younger, governor of the Roman province of Bithynia.

The assertion that no references to Jesus and His followers exist in the first century has one important qualification that Ehrman seems to have omitted deliberately. While there are no extant references to them known to scholars today, Suetonius and Tacitus would have needed historical records or official documents in order to produce their biographies of the Roman emperors. While these documents no longer exist today, first-century records seem to have been readily available to historians. In other words, these documents did exist, but have perished with the passing of time. Ehrman’s rather misleading statement should have read, “there are no surviving references to Jesus or his followers in strictly pagan literature during the first century A.D. known to scholars presently.”

New Testament scholar Robert Yarbrough points out in Ehrman’s work the  “traditions of (much later) noncanonical gospels are consistently privileged vis-à-vis their canonical counterparts; the assumption is that we must treat their assertions as potential historical fact even though the assertions were not written down for a century, at least, after their putative origin” (2000, p. 366). Ehrman tends to elevate the non-canonical gospel records over those of the New Testament even though they were written centuries after the life of Christ. The constant claim that the gospel accounts cannot be trusted because they were written decades later than the events they describe vanishes, and the non-canonical gospels are considered relatively trustworthy despite the fact that the amount of time that separates them from the events they purport to describe is not decades as with the gospel accounts, but centuries.

As an example of his approach, Ehrman notes that the Gospel of Peter features “[a] giant Jesus and a walking, talking cross,” adding, “It’s hard to believe that this Gospel was ever lost” (2009, p. 209). He seems to think that Christianity was like any other religion, accepting the fantastic with little regard for reality. Many of the extracanonical gospels Ehrman prizes demonstrate the same features. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas has a number of odd miracle stories. The author appears to enjoy telling fantastic stories of weird happenings during the fictional childhood of Jesus, and the more bizarre the better. This provides a vivid contrast with the canonical gospel accounts, which record the happenings of Jesus’ life in sober fashion. It should be no wonder why the Christians dismissed the tall tales of gospels like Peter and Thomas. They preferred believable biographies to other “gospels” that were the ancient equivalent of science fiction.


As a text critic, Ehrman is quite good. As an interpreter he is abysmal. He insists on a rigidly literal interpretation of the text that does not allow for nuances or for passages from one book to complement those from another. In some cases, individual authors may state components of a biblical doctrine individually, but Ehrman forces them into different camps. It seems almost as if his method aims to pit the biblical authors against one another rather than allowing them to work together. In this way, Ehrman is able to create contradictions where none actually exist. In some places, he appears to deliberately distort the theological viewpoint of the biblical authors in order to manufacture divergent viewpoints. He typically notes that scholars have attempted to reconcile these positions, unsatisfactorily as far as he is concerned. After explaining what appear to be perfectly legitimate and convincing solutions to each problem he discusses, Ehrman then reverts to an unorthodox reading of the text and pronounces the difficulty unsolvable.

For Ehrman, the ultimate reason why more people do not know about these supposed contradictions is because the population is largely ignorant—the very problem he seeks to remedy. In his view, scholarship has not written popular-level books, and seminary-trained ministers are unwilling to share this information with their church members. When discussing his view that most of the New Testament books were not written by the actual authors, he asks with incredulity, “why isn’t this more widely known? Why is it that the person in the pew—not to mention the person in the street—knows nothing about this? Your guess is as good as mine” (2009, p. 137). It never seems to cross his mind that seminary-trained ministers and biblical scholars who know about these views find that they fail to agree with the evidence.

Yarbrough makes a powerful point about the cavalier attitude Ehrman takes toward the biblical text: “the early Christians who supposedly invented stories about Jesus...and then believed them were not deconstructionists engaged in teaching careers in comfortable university positions but tradesmen and professionals who knew the daily struggle for survival and were willing to die for their convictions” (2000, p. 370). For those living in the first century, the Christian faith was not a detached system of belief that could be adopted or discarded without consequence. Mistrust, discrimination, and even persecution ever loomed above the heads of the early Christians. Making the choice to follow Christ was a genuine commitment that had real—and often highly unpleasant—consequences.

The reader of Jesus, Interrupted must be careful to sort through Ehrman’s arguments. He is an accomplished textual critic, but allows preconceptions and personal bias to color his conclusions. Rarely, if ever, does Ehrman engage the opposing viewpoint. He seems to delight in manufacturing biblical contradictions and then refuses to allow them to be solved. His work makes it seem as if he has uncovered a secret hoard of biblical knowledge previously denied to all others. To those who are academically equipped to evaluate the truthfulness of Ehrman’s claims, this treasure trove of trade secrets is nothing more than fool’s gold.

Bruce, F.F. (1972), The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press).
Ehrman, Bart (2005), Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why(San Francisco: HarperSanFransicso). 
Ehrman, Bart (2006), Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene: The Followers of Jesus in History and Legend (New York: Oxford University Press).
Ehrman, Bart (2008), The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings (New York: Oxford University Press).
Ehrman, Bart (2009), Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (and Why We Don’t Know About Them) (New York: HarperOne). 
Witherington, Ben (2009), “Bart Interrupted—A Detailed Analysis of ‘Jesus Interrupted’ Part 1,” [On-line], URL:
Yarbrough, Robert (2000), “The Power and Pathos of Professor Ehrman’s New Testament Introduction,” Perspectives in Religions Studies, Winter, 27[4]:363-370.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Mean God or Nice God?

Question: Why does the God of the Old Testament seem so mean and harsh and the New Testament God is so nice.
First we need to step back from all our preconceived notions, lame Sunday school lessons, Hollywood stereotypes and popular presentations of God and Jesus we may have been exposed to in the past and actually look at what the bible says.
1. The God of the OT is the exact same God of the NT.
What appears to be two different God’s is actually the same God dealing with different people at different times and in different ways for different reasons. God in the OT is dealing with Hebrews and the nation of Israel in a dispensation of time under the Law. God in the NT is dealing with and bringing about what will become known as the age of Grace or the Church Age. No longer is the focus on the nation of Israel but instead turns to a new institution, the Church. The Hebrew nation of Israel was the first group with which God chose to reveal Himself and establish a personal relationship with. The inwhy2tention was that Israel would model Godly characteristics to the rest of humanity and through the Jew all mankind would be drawn to God and desire to enter into relationship with Him. As a result of their stiff necked pride and stubbornness they failed miserably and actually turned people away from God.
    In the OT God constantly had to deal with a rebellious and adulterous nation bent of living by their own perverted interpretation of Mosaic Law and tradition. Jesus later called them the “lost sheep of Israel” which is an appropriate description in that they habitually wandered off into evil and dangerous ways. On top of this the nation was constantly under attack and in warfare with people who desired to destroy them, (much like today). Many of what some would consider ungodly, cruel and brutal actions, directed by God in the OT, were in times of war. If we look at the actions of the U.S. military during WWII the same charges could also be leveled. The fire bombings of civilians in Dresden and the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima which destroyed “innocent” men women and children could be called by some barbaric. In defense, when a nation is fighting for survival, barbaric actions in the name of the “greater good” cannot be categorically condemned.
The Amalekites were a tribe of scavenger predators at the time of the Exodus. For no reason they attacked the Hebrews as soon as they escaped from Egypt and crossed the Red Sea.  Throughout history they continually tried to destroy all Jews. Finally after giving the Amalekites hundreds of years of time to change their behavior, God ordered the Hebrew King to destroy them, man, woman, children, babies and even their livestock. God knew that any remnant of these evil murderers left would come back to bite them. Saul disobeyed and killed most but left some alive to use for his own selfish benefit. This turned out to be huge mistake in why3that this bunch popped up throughout Jewish history as brutal enemies. Some  believe today the spirit of Amalek is alive and well in groups like Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and the so called Palestinians (who were never a legitimate nationality until invented by enemies of Israel, another story). No, we could pull God’s order to destroy the Amalekites out of context and it looks like he is a mean and brutal God. You could also say the same of the guy who shoots some nut killing innocent kids at a movie theater. Everything must be taken in context.
It was not God’s idea for the Jews to get themselves over into Egypt and become slaves of the Pharaoh. God has to clean up the mess and ends up looking like the bad guy because he has to knock some heads around. Now He has to deal with a bunch of ignorant people after being slaves for 400 years. They have no concept of even the basics of how to live as civilized free people. They have to be told not to poop in the same area where they make meals, what to do when they got a skin rash, how to handle situations like when I dig a pit in the ground and your ox falls into it and dies, who pays who and who gets to keep the dead ox. Every single aspect of life had to be delineated in the 613 commandments of the Mosaic Law. These people were indeed the “children” of Israel and had to be treated like children. As a result God comes off looking mean, just like my kids said I was mean because I would not let themwhy4 play in the street. Hello!!! There are cars and trucks going up and down the street and I don’t want any flat kids. God has a larger purpose in mind and he didn’t want His people screwed up. They were supposed to be His representatives to the world and lead to the Kingdom of God.
Yes the God of the OT is stern, but He is also loving and compassionate.
In overflowing anger for a moment I hid my face from you, but with everlasting love I will have compassion on you,” says the Lord, your Redeemer. Isaiah 54:8 (ESV)
I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued to extend faithful love to you. Jer 31:3 (HCSB)
For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. 7 It was not because you were more in number than any other people that the Lord set his love on you and chose you, for you were the fewest of all peoples, 8 but it is because the Lord loves you and is keeping the oath that he swore to your fathers, that the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Deut 7:6-8 (ESV)
2. Why would God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son to the LORD?
Abraham is called the father of faith. God is looking for a man who will unconditionally trust and obey him. There can be no greater test of obedience than to ask a man to kill by his own hand his own son. This is the son whom Abraham waited almost 100 year to have. This is the son whom God has promised would yield the bloodline for the promised messiah. How could God ask him to do such a thing? In order to understand this we must appreciate the Hebrew view of the word of the Most High. When Yahweh spoke, it was done. Whatever came out of the mouth of the LORD could not be undone. Once Jehovah spoke, time made no difference. It was as though it had already happened. Abraham knew that the LORD had declared that the promise and destiny of the nation would go through his son Isaac. Therefore if God commanded him to take Isaac up the mountain, kill and burn his body on an alter as a sacrifice, somehow God would have to resurrect Isaac from the ashes and bring him back from the dead.  Naturally the prospect of such a thing is abhorrent to any father and especially Abraham. Still yet Abraham put his trust in the word and credibility of the Creator of the universe. Since the LORD lives in the past present and future simultaneously he was well aware of the pain Abraham was experiencing since He would sacrifice His own Son on a Roman cross on a hill called Golgotha.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.
Abraham hoped with complete confidence that the invisible God who could do the impossible, would protect his son Isaac, no matter what things looked like.
3. God appears to be different in the NT ?
But this is really just a change in tactics. The strategic goal of bringing mankind into the Kingdom of God is still the same but God has chosen to tactically change things up. Now instead of relying of the Jews to spread the Good News, He raises up a small group of common Jewish working guys, bypasses the religious establishment, and develops personally his own disciples. He then sends His Holy Spirit to live inside of each of these dudes. This way He can give them “realtimwhy6e” minute by minute guidance. No longer do people have to  rely on the priest or scribe to look into the written Torah (law) to find out what  God expects of them. Now they have a built in moral “GPS” to lead them and tell them right from wrong. This is the point where God expects these believers to put their “big boy pants” on and act like adults. When I was in kindergarten, the children had to raise their hands and ask permission to use the restroom. In college that was no longer the practice because adults are expected to handle such things themselves. Same with God. No longer do we have to look in the book when your ox falls in my pit. As Christians we who have the same spirit should know how to work out our problems.
4. The God of the NT is Jesus, God, YAHWEH, LORD, of the OT. John Chapter clearly identifies Jesus (the word, the logos ) as the creator.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made…… And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.  John 1:1-4,14 (KJV)
This person identified as the LORD in hundreds of OT appearances is in reality the pre-incarnate Jesus. It was Jesus, YAHWEH, the LORD, why7who walked with Adam and Eve in the garden, appeared to Moses in the burning bush, commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, wrestled all night with Jacob, and was found by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar walking around with the 3 Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace.
Jesus alluded to this while giving two of His disciples a 7 mile long bible lesson after he was raised from the dead.
And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. Luke 24:27 (KJV)
I am a strong advocate for the doctrine of the Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. God in three persons. Not 3 Gods. Everything that makes God to be God is in each person of the godhead. Each is infinite, all powerful, all knowing, omnipresent. Jesus is not a lesser form of God. He voluntarily humbled Himself and came to earth in order live as a perfect man and become the perfect sacrifice for the dysfunctional human race. He put aside much of His god-ness to operate as a human while still maintaining all of His god-ness simultaneously. He was a helpless baby in his mother Mary’s arms while at the same time keeping every atom in the universe together. Go figure.
Itrinity also believe that Jesus is and has always been the primary communicator and the communication from God. We as humans are not equipped to have interaction with the Father.
As a result of our sinfulness and defective condition and in contrast to the complete and pure holiness of God the Father, Jesus functions as the mediator between God and man.
For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 1 Tim 2:5 (ESV)
And the Father who sent me has himself borne witness about me. His voice you have never heard, his form you have never seen, John 5:37 (ESV)
Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me—46  not that anyone has seen the Father except he who is from God; he has seen the Father. John 6:45-46 (ESV)
The one who has seen Me has seen the Father. John 14:9 (HCSB)
Jesus is the only manifestation of the Father that we can understand.
5. Jesus the God of the NT is not a sentimental, non judgmental, weak,  effeminate, Casper milktoast, slobbering wimp that the liberals want to portray him as. Jesus was a man’s man, who was not afraid to call a spade a spade. He did not come to bring peace but to shake things up.
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: 52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. 53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. Luke 12:51-53 (KJV)
Yes he was very forgiving of those who had genuine repentance or called out for help, but he was very judgmental of His brethren willfully involved in sin and those guilty of hypocrisy. His “go and sin no more” was not a platitude, but a command to change, now.
You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desiresJohn 8:44 (ESV)
You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? Matt 23:33 (ESV)
“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his  angels.Matt 25:41 (ESV)
Yes we are to take the log out of our own eye before judging another, turn the other cheek and forgive those who hurt us. But once we are sure we are not guilty of what the other guy is doing, we have the responsibility to correct our brother, and to make him stop his evil 
why10behavior. Jesus personally commission Paul to write the doctrine for these new followers of “The Way”, these new Christians. Paul was led out into the Arabian desert for 3 years and trained supernaturally how this new Christian thing was to work. He was taken into the “third heaven” and shown secrets which there are no human words to convey. We must always remember that Paul, Peter, James, and the gang are writing the exact “God breathed” (θεοπνευστοs,  theopneustos) words of Jesus. This whole thing is about and for Him.
But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: 16 For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake. Acts 9:15-16 (KJV)
Nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, and returned again to Damascus. 18 Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see PeterGal 1:17-18 (NKJV)
I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows. 3 And I know that this why11man was caught up into paradise—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows— 4 and he heard things that cannot be told, which man may not utter. 5 On behalf of this man I will boast, but on my own behalf I will not boast, except of my weaknesses 2 Cor 12:2-5 (ESV)
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: Col 1:16 (KJV)
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